Things to Do During Syllabus Week

Getting back into shape after winter break ends is one of the most difficult things to do for a student. You have to regain your focus, organization and productivity – and it requires much more energy now that you’ve tasted what freedom feels like (a bit dramatic but describes it…

20 Poorest Ways To Start Your Essay

Having to write many essays and compositions at a time, we can fall into a trap of exploiting clichés and other never-use-them-in-a-sentence phrases that absolutely destroy the positive impact your narrative aims to convey. That’s why it’s highly advised to mind what you write when having a professional read and…

Why Getting a College Degree Is So Important?

With tuition fees getting higher and student loans putting a heavier toll on future Masters and Doctors, more and more students choose to seek full-time job opportunities after high school, without enrolling into college. Most of the time, those students are from families with a below-average income and no chances…

Habits To Study Better

With all those tests, quizzes, projects, part-time job gigs and new college hobbies it’s easy to lose your head. Mind goes spinning, studying gets harder day by day, and it is consistency and chosen academic rituals that can help you not to get your knickers in a twist. Ready to…

Hobbies To Become Smarter

Don’t get celebrating too much out there, computer games and vaping won’t make you any smarter. However, painting will. These are 10 hobbies you can start digging into in your spare time, which will actually help you become a smarter student and person. Some of them can even help you…

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